NOTE: Skip to the bottom of this post for answers to basic questions about the show--where to see it, how long it will be at each venue, how to bring it to your town, and more. To start at the beginning of this series of posts, go HERE. Any tarot deck tells the story of the Fool's Journey. It is the story of every person; the tarot tells our story--a very human story. What is tarot? Objectively, it's just 78 pieces of cardboard covered with images that have been drawn and redrawn by humans for centuries. Pretty simple, right? But more about that in another post. Let's start by looking at a well-known image of The Fool tarot card, which carries the number Zero. Zero... Everything. All of it. Nothing. None of it. The story of the tarot is the story of the Fool's Journey. Of our own journey through our lives. The Fool will travel through 21 stages, growing and learning with each stage. The journey is too rich and complex to cover in a short blog--many books have been written on the subject (as well as an awful lot of wrong-headed trash). Perhaps in a future post I'll list some of the better ones. The Fool is an innocent, and sets out on the Journey with no expectations, no plan. Much as we do as infants. The Fool is a great example of what is known in Buddhism as Beginner's Mind. "When one's expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have." - Stephen Hawking The Fool simply acts in response to each moment, knowing that whatever happens will result in learning and growth. And somehow, Fools are protected. They are even considered sacred, like the famous Jesters in history who could get away with imitating anyone, even a King or Queen. HOW DID THIS TAROT RUG PROJECT BEGIN? Our two guiding Journey-ers and heroines for the Tarot Rug Project are Michele Micarelli and Loretta Scena, who conceived of, recruited the artists for, organized, and grounded the project at its formal opening in Vermont this month. Can we get a huzzah for these smart, inspired, fabulous rug artists? Here they are: That is Loretta on the left and Michele on the right. Michele and Loretta are both highly respected artists, designers, and teachers. They also work in other media. To see some of their extraordinary pieces, go HERE for Michele's website and HERE for Loretta's website. Enjoy the eye candy! Gratitude also goes to their families, without whom Loretta and Michele wouldn't have been able to get the staggering amount of work it took to organize and mount this exhibit done. Another heroine in this journey is Rae Harrell, who found the venue I wrote about in yesterday's post, the amazing location in Vermont for the Opening. Here's Rae: Rae is an artist in several media and you can view her work HERE. As with Loretta and Michele, she is a well-known rug artist, designer, maker, and teacher. and now...BACK TO THE FOOL'S JOURNEY Let’s get to the first rug in the exhibit--The Fool, number Zero. Here is Diane Philips’ interpretation of the card in her rug, side by side with the original Rider-Waite-Smith image. To learn more about Diane, go HERE for a terrific article on her work by Rug Hooking Magazine. I've been lucky enough to take a class with her and see many of her rugs in person; she's a funny, smart, wonderful woman and an incredible artist. Here is a quote that applies to the Fool: “A ship is safe in harbor, but that is not what a ship is for.” — Thomas Aquinas And isn't that true for all of us? Since I don't want to spoil what Diane wrote in the catalog of the exhibit (you can find out how to get a catalog below, and note that the proceeds go to help the rugs travel to different venues), I'll just say she has captured the innocence, playfulness, and wisdom of the Fool. I love the addition of our entire planet, which her Fool seems to be blessing or protecting. And that dog! Can we guess that it's Diane's dog, or one that she loves or has loved? We now begin our own journey through these tarot rugs, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. I don't believe tarot is very effective for fortune-telling, and the many abuses of tarot by fortune tellers is something we all know about. My preference is to use tarot as a way to stimulate our inner wisdom. In this case, that is Fool's Wisdom, or Beginner's Mind. As you look at Diane's rug, and at the original card, ask yourself:
What do you notice about Diane's interpretation--what strikes you? Please leave a comment for her and others to read. A final word in this post, before I get to some Frequently Asked Questions: Loretta is collecting stories by the artists who worked on these rugs. There were some very intriguing life experiences that artists had as they created their rugs, each relating to the particular card that the artist had been assigned. If you are one of the artists and you have an anecdote about something that happened to you as you designed and created your rug, related to the symbolism in the card, please email your story to Loretta (her email is in the FAQ below) so that she can compile them. She may get a book or at least a wonderful article out of these stories. We heard some good ones at the Opening! FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: HOW DO I GET A CATALOG?
UPCOMING DATES/LOCATIONS: October-November, 2017 River House Rugs Petit Riviere, Nova Scotia, Canada (with Michele) April-September 2017 The Hooked Rug Museum of North America Hubbards, Nova Scotia February 1- February 28 2017 The Barron Art Center Woodbridge, New Jersey October 29-November 30 The Athens Cultural Center Athens, New York October 19-23 2016 Green Mountain Guild Rug Show Essex Junction, Vermont August 15-20 2016 Rug Hooking Week at Sauder Village Archbold, Ohio September 1-24 2016 Dorchester Center for the Arts Cambridge, Maryland ...that's it so far. More dates/locations to be added! NEXT POST IN THE SERIES: THE MAGICIAN.
Jane Sittnick
12/8/2015 09:16:38 am
Would love to subscribe to your Blog
12/8/2015 01:14:27 pm
Hi Jane, thank you for inquiring about this. Weebly doesn't make it easy. However, you can subscribe by clicking on the RSS Feed button on the right hand column (scroll down until you see it0, although I've never had much luck with RSS myself. I'm looking into another way for people to subscribe and will keep you posted.
12/8/2015 03:18:44 pm
I believe you can now subscribe--there's a button on the website now. While you won't receive immediate notifications, I'll try to send a reminder once a week that new posts are up.
DeniseW. Jose
12/8/2015 09:42:47 am
How do I subscribe to the blog. I did click the notify on the first one. Is that sufficient?
12/8/2015 01:15:46 pm
Denise, no, I don't think that will do it. See my response to Jane, above. I hope to have an alternative way to subscribe later today (though it may require using MailChimp or Constant Contact, neither of whom I'm enthusiastic about).
12/8/2015 03:19:41 pm
I believe you can now subscribe--there's a button on the website now. While you won't receive immediate notifications, I'll try to send a reminder once a week that a few new posts are up.
Jocelyne St-Pierre
12/8/2015 01:05:46 pm
Love your charming blog. Tanks for showing those stunningly beautiful rugs.
12/8/2015 03:48:08 pm
Thanks Devin for all the detailed background on the card and the rug! Can't wait to see/read more.
Dana Psoinas
12/9/2015 12:28:27 am
I loved reading your article. Diane Phillips did such a beautiful job. The fool is mesmerizing! Comments are closed.
ABOUT ME I'm a textile artist (traditional rug hooking, punch needle rug hooking, and other textile arts), a long-time meditator, a certified meditation teacher and coach, and focused on learning about the interplay of art, creativity, and mindfulness every day. Certified Unified Mindfulness Coach Level I, 2024
November 2024