Although I haven't gotten very far, I did get the rug started as promised yesterday. I had vowed to pull "at least 6 loops." Probably I maxed out at 46 loops--but the point is, I started. No more Blank Page Syndrome. However, there's not enough to show here as so far it's too skimpy until I get going with something other than one line of loops. Right away though, I ran into problems with color. What a lot I have to learn about color. I think this rug will be a great teacher. I envision a lot of ripping out as I go, due to the need for experimentation and evaluation. In the meantime, I'm getting ready for an unrelated event that requires the presence of some silver stars for decoration. Several people are going to the event, and no one has any stars. This morning I went to the local craft store and bought some fancy card stock in shiny silver and came home and made these: Not too shabby. Directions are everywhere on the internet. Hope they will do the trick for the event! Here (below) is a response to a journal-project prompt on the topic of looking up. The photo is not the best quality, but I was combining my favorite thing to look up to--trees--with another journal-project prompt about what music means to us. A tangle came to mind, Verdigogh. Verdigogh is actually based on a rosemary sprig, but whenever I draw it, it reminds me of pine trees and the lovely music they make when wind moves through them: No question that this Facebook Journal Project (it's a closed group now because it has maxed out with members) is visually enriching my journal. I just need to remember to actually write in it, not just fill it with responses to prompts. “The grace of writing is upon me. Comments are closed.
ABOUT ME I'm a textile artist (traditional rug hooking, punch needle rug hooking, and other textile arts), a long-time meditator, a certified meditation teacher and coach, and focused on learning about the interplay of art, creativity, and mindfulness every day. Certified Unified Mindfulness Coach Level I, 2024
November 2024