for this week's "it's a string thing" challenge #205: there seems to be a theme going on here. my journal page from yesterday (note the rainbow lead pencil i'm determined to use until the last 1/8"): finally, some pix from my long walk at 5.30 this morning:
Susie Ng
7/28/2017 10:43:02 am
I (!) could have thought of this!....But I didn't. You combined the string and the tangles beautifully and made a clever snail house! Who is talking about having ideas and inspiring who???!!!! Well done VERY well done!!! considering the wrist.
7/28/2017 06:06:24 pm
susie, can you say "mutual admiration society"? lol. seriously, thanks. i need more practice with the pigtail tangle--lost control of that one but that was because of one-handedness.
Susie Ng
7/31/2017 11:39:35 am
Honkey-donkey, so I stop scratching my head and rummaging through all the drawers in my gmail account trying to find your lost post emails. Yeap, also looked in spam - negative. Could MailChimp be the culprit?
Susie Ng
7/31/2017 11:52:55 am
Jeez, don't know what's wrong with me. Your Pigtail, no MAS, but seriously: if your pigtail was even, it would be like any other. Now it is unique. I do not like these kind of tangles. Same with Squid. Somehow each of my tentacle turns out curved the same way and it looks boring, and if not, it looks ugly. Go figure.
Susie Ng
7/28/2017 10:58:27 am
Oh, forgot: the refresher. I have a personal challenge and do all the refreshers. Still need to go about 80. I pick them randomly, but clean up lower 10 segments when applicable to have them out of the way. Nr. 3 I did a while ago, but you even make a study out of them. Well done, Meridiana.
7/28/2017 06:09:51 pm
i can't believe i'm just discovering them now! especially and embarrassingly because they roll into my inbox each week...but i've not been reading those posts. DUH.
Susie Ng
7/31/2017 11:45:18 am
Oh it is nice to know somebody else is doing them, too. It felt a little lonely all this time, outsider, not belonging. But now we have our own Refresher Club of Two. Love it.
7/31/2017 02:15:30 pm
susie, not to worry--you have missed no "reminder" emails from me. because i moved, i bet it's been close to 5 months since i sent one out!!! why so long? because in the meantime, i packed up my entire house and moved to another town. i had to stop unpacking (and typing) when i broke my wrist 6 weeks ago so it will probably be at least another week or 2 before i send out a reminder email to subscribers. Comments are closed.
ABOUT ME I'm a textile artist (traditional rug hooking, punch needle rug hooking, and other textile arts), a long-time meditator, a certified meditation teacher and coach, and focused on learning about the interplay of art, creativity, and mindfulness every day. Certified Unified Mindfulness Coach Level I, 2024
November 2024