The tangle challenge from the Diva this week was a brand-new tangle called "Gourdgeous." I was not too interested in this tangle when it was published. And now, having drawn it twice, I'm still not enamored. But hey, these things sometimes change with practice. Perhaps in a few months I'll view it differently. After all, I didn't like meditation at first, either, and now I'm 40 years into it, still "practicing," and although it's as challenging as it ever was, I certainly am reaping the benefits. But I don't see myself doing this particular tangle for the next 40 years, even with more practice. Even though Zentangle® is a form of moving meditation, some tangles increase the meditative experience, and some don't. Which tangle works or doesn't work to increase Zentangle's meditative aspect differs from person to person, which is one of the interesting things about the technique...just like different types of meditation work for different people. Neither process is "one size fits all.") Here is Gourdgeous, drawn in my Tangle-a-Day calendar. Since Maria Thomas (my idol) came to this tangle by simply using lines and spaces, I thought I'd add a few lines and spaces behind it. This was my first-ever attempt: For the actual challenge, I put it on a black tile, using Signo Uniball pens (broad and narrow), a General White Charcoal Pencil, and a Rainbow Lead Pencil. So here you see attempt #2: Meh.
I'll try additional practice with it, both black and white and in color, to see what develops. Right now I'm going over to the Diva's page to see what other folks have done with this. Usually I don't look until after I've submitted my own work so as not to be influenced, but this time I've accidentally seen a couple of the submissions on other people's blogs, and they are truly stunning. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else did. 11/3/2015 11:13:37 pm
What do you mean "meh"? The black tile is really beautiful! I just love how you achieved the shading effects. Love the hatching on the black & white tile. Thank you. I generally am not so self-critical, but you know how we cannot help liking some of our projects better than others. I am also aware of how I sometimes dislike things when I finish them and then a week later I look at them and think, "Hey! I like it now." Will see what happens with this. 11/4/2015 12:28:32 am
I agree that Gourdgeous takes some warming to. My theory is that it's so representational (even the name), that it doesn't feel as meditative as most of the other tangles that have emanated from the Mother Ship. Having said that, I think your black tile is very striking.(in a good way :) I've never before heard of a rainbow pencil. Is it literally a pencil that randomly lays down different colors? Hi Susanne and everyone else: You may want to read about Rainbow Lead Pencils by clicking on August 2015 in the archives on the blog. I wrote a very long post on what they are, how to find them, and how to use them, on 8/30/15. I have also written about them many times since. To find those posts, go to "Categories" in the right-hand column of this blog and click on Rainbow Lead Pencil" but be aware that only about 10 posts will come up--to see any earlier posts you have to look for the tiny "Previous" button at the very bottom of the page that comes up. And thanks. 11/4/2015 12:57:44 am
I like the simplicity of your Gourdgeous. Very clean. I also like the cross hatching you did - makes a nice change from the black that most Tanglers have used for this challenge.
Ulrike B
11/4/2015 01:46:03 am
beautiful tiles, i like the colored one
11/4/2015 02:34:41 am
I like your post and the thoughts your share with us.Thanks for that. I also like your tiles.
joanne faherty
11/4/2015 04:29:49 am
I like your tile with the rainbow pencil makes it different to everything else I have seen so far!:) 11/4/2015 05:22:54 am
Both tiles are wonderful! I love the cross-hatching on the first one and I like the Rainbow Colored Pencil. Very nice. 11/5/2015 01:49:16 am
Both are wonderful! Especially I like the coloured one ... it´s gorgeous!
11/6/2015 11:17:31 am
Beautiful work! I love the rainbow-colored! 11/6/2015 07:43:49 pm
I think it's better than you think, but it has taken me a while to feel just okay (one step better than Meh!) about this tangle.I really like the rainbow pencil effect so I'm heading off to read your notes now. Comments are closed.
ABOUT ME I'm a textile artist (traditional rug hooking, punch needle rug hooking, and other textile arts), a long-time meditator, a certified meditation teacher and coach, and focused on learning about the interplay of art, creativity, and mindfulness every day. Certified Unified Mindfulness Coach Level I, 2024
November 2024