We've all heard of Sylvia Plath, famous for her extraordinary poetry, fascinating life, and tragic suicide. But who knew she was also a visual artist? I certainly didn't. Check out this fascinating article from one of my favorite websites called Brain Pickings. Plath was a visual artist as well as a phenomenal poet. I wish I could post some of those photographs here, but I haven't asked permission, so instead I will direct you to the site of the article where you can see them in all their glory. Meanwhile, my damaged hand is continuing to respond to intense exercise. It hurts like hell most of the time but it's finally beginning to act like a hand again. (At least it isn't my dominant hand--and for that piece of luck, I am eternally grateful.) I've been able to tangle a bit more. Here's a recent piece and how it evolved. The first stage, lines in progress: Next, here is the piece with the line work done, but without any shading: And below is the finished piece on the actual journal page, after shading: This was so much fun to draw, as it was simply line after line after line, each one drawn slowly and deliberately. A meditation in motion.
9/15/2017 11:23:06 am
I loved that line upon line work. And what you did with it. Thanks for sharing.
Susie Ng
9/17/2017 02:00:29 am
Just trying to find those links you mentioned and came upon this entry. WOW!!!! Meridiana. Absolutely agree with Aelishta-Sun, gorgeous line work and beautiful drawing. I loooove flowing wavy lines! Yes, your hand is back - definitely.
9/17/2017 05:13:11 pm
Thanks, Susie! I saw a (very differently shaped) simple line-upon-line thing on Pinterest and couldn't stop thinking about it. Just had to try it myself. Then threw in the new tangle at the end. Appreciate you comment! Comments are closed.
ABOUT ME I'm a textile artist (traditional rug hooking, punch needle rug hooking, and other textile arts), a long-time meditator, a certified meditation teacher and coach, and focused on learning about the interplay of art, creativity, and mindfulness every day. Certified Unified Mindfulness Coach Level I, 2024
November 2024